Self Storage Insurance
As a tenant of Space at Hand, you are responsible for insuring any goods stored on our premises or in a Space Capsule portable storage unit. While you may already have insurance on your home or office, including the contents, most policies have limited coverage for your belongings when they are stored at another location.
For your convenience, Space at Hand offers insurance for your contents in storage. For storage at one of our Space at Hand facilities or in a Space Capsule at any location, contents insurance is $8.00 for the first $2,000.00 of insurance and $3.00 for each additional $1,000.00 of insurance per four-week rental period to a maximum of $30,000.00 in insurance. The deductible is $500.00.
In addition, Space at Hand offers a Space Capsule damage liability waiver to cover any damage that may occur to the Space Capsule. Costs are $6.00 for a Mini Space Capsule or $18.00 for a Large Space Capsule, per four-week rental period. There is no deductible and without this damage liability waiver you are liable for any damage to the Space Capsule– up to $2,000.00 per Mini Space Capsule or up to $6000.00 per Large Space Capsule.